Welcome to the Goole & Selby Circuit Website.
Worshipping and Serving Godin our bit of YorkshireAdvent, Christmas, and New Year Events 2024Barlby
Carol Service with the Uniformed groups. Thurs 5th Dec at 6pm.
Coffee morning for Spirit of Christmas 11.30-1pm 10th December
Carols by Candlelight 22nd December 3pm
Family fun for New Years 31 December 9.30-11am
Saturday 30th November 10-2pm Coffee morning and tabletop sale, refreshments - with lucky dip, tombola etc
Christingle Messy Church 8th December 4-6pm
Dec 16th Sparkling Christmas lunch 3 courses + tea or coffee £15
Carol Service 22nd December 6.15pm
Christmas Day service 9.30am
22nd December Carols 6pm
Christmas Eve Communion 8pm
30th November Christmas tree festival 1:00 til 4:30 followed by Village lights switch on.
Christingle Messy Church 18th December 4.30-6pm
Christmas Eve family carol service 4.30pm
30th November - Christmas Afternoon Teas. 2pm to 4pm. Various stalls, raffle.
7th December - at Drax Cemetery, a Christmas Remembrance Service at 1:30pm. A short service to remember those whom we have loved and lost. There is a Christmas tree on which to hang cards, baubles etc. in memory of loved ones and candles are lit around the tree.
11th December Christmas Messy/Cafe Church 4.30-6pm
20th December - Community Carol singing around the tree, followed by hot food. 6:30pm.
Coffee morning Saturday 7th December 10am-12pm
15th December nativity walk 3pm
Monday 16th December 6pm Carols around the Christmas tree in the Golden Garden , High Street, Carlton followed by refreshments in the methodist church.
22nd December Carols Carols 10am
Christmas Day service 10am
22nd December 6pm Carols at Anglican Church
30th November Christmas Fayre 1-3pm
12th December carols 9.30am
15th December Carols round the tree 6pm, followed by food in chapel
1st December All age worship
4th December 7pm Hanging of the Greens
22nd December 4pm Carols
Goole Central
1st Dec 10.30am Goole Central Advent Carol service
7th December at 7.30pm Humberside Police Concert Band concert
15th December 10.30am Christingle service
15th December 4pm Goole Lions Carol Service
22nd December 10.30am Lessons and Carols
Christmas Day 9.30am
5th January 10.30am Epiphany carol service
Goole Trinity
13th December Afternoon tea 2pm, DJ Kwallah, quiz!
22nd December 10.45am Carols
22nd December 10.30am Carols
Sunday 1st Dec. at 3pm. '12 weeks in Hebron', a Christmas play about the weeks leading up to the birth of Jesus. Followed by Afternoon Tea
Carols after the coffee morning. Thursday 5th Dec. 11.30am.
Tuesday 17th Dec. Carols at 6.30pm.
20th December Crafting and Christmas walk 4pm
30th November 10-11.30 coffee morning
1st December 10.45 Christmas Carol service and nativity
Saturday 7th December 2pm Brass band concert and seasonal refreshment
14th December Coffee morning 10-12pm
22nd December 2.30pm Carols
Christmas day service 9.30am
North Duffield
22nd December 10am Carols
Christmas Day 9.30am
8th December 10.45am Christingle service
14th December – Churches Together Carol singing near Sainsburys at 11am
15th – Carols by candlelight at 6pm
25th – Christmas Day service at 10.45am
29th December Posada service 10.45am
8th December 3-5 Messy Church
21st December Carol singing in town
22nd December 6pm Carols by candlelight
Christmas day morning worship 10am
3rd January holiday club for children of primary age
1st December 3pm Christingle
Thorpe Willoughby
15th December 4pm Christingle
Carol service, Sunday 22nd December 6.30pm
Joint Midnight Communion Christmas eve at St Wilf's 11.30pm
Joint Holy Communion at St Francis, 10.30am, Christmas Day
December 2nd at 6pm Christingle
14th and 15th December Christmas tree festival
18th December at 6-30pm Carol Service
Christmas Eve Communion 7pm
Christmas Day Service 9-45am
3rd January 10.30am Messy Workshop
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